She was born on March 21, 1474 and joined the Third order of St. Francis. She started her religious carrier by giving regular religious instructions to small girls. A miracle has happened in her own life. When she was on religious tour of the Holy Land with others, she became suddenly blind, when they were near Crete. When others intended to return home due to this unfortunate incident, Angels compelled them to proceed further with her. She visited all holy places as scheduled with others with the same enthusiasm of a person with eye sight. When returning she got her eye sight again when praying before a crucifix, at the same place where she originally lost her eye sight.
She started the foundation of the "Company of St.Ursula" (venerated as a leader of women) with twelve virgins, on November 25, 1535, to impart Christian education to future wives and mothers, to lead a good life. Even though the members of the group have to follow the rules of virginity, poverty and obedience, they can live in their homes and take no formal vows. St.Angela was elected its Superior on March 18, 1537.
She died on January 27, 1540.
She was beatified by pope Clement-XIII on April 30, 1768
and canonized by Pope Pius-VII on May 24, 1807.
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