Last few weeks I attended my first RSS organized by my church charismatic team. This seminar is recommended by my BEC member( church member) and heard from many that this is a must join seminar. It can transform the life of many and gain many blessings from this seminar. Wow so good? I thought. A seminar or a charismatic healings? I was quite curious. I thought of inviting my parents as well as I always pray to God that they may go back to church. Never thought that my church member invited my mother which would never think she said Yes so quickly. Never thought that my church members can have chance to visit my parents at my hometown. After hearing the Yes and no problem. I quickly register myself, my husband and my parents in one of the sunday at the church.
Just few days before the seminar, My mum called and said that my dad does not want to attend. I was very disappointed and angry. But I know I cant force him. So, I let myself cool down for 2 days before giving him a call. I was thinking how to persuade him to come, his main concerned is too many days as he doest like to be away from home for long. I was thinking he cannot miss this golden opportunity that can change his life. Never thought that my dad agreed to come when I phone him.
Thank God!
The seminar is 2 1/2 days. The first day was 2 hours at night. This is just an introductory. The songs has touched my heart so much, the worships songs always make me cry. After the opening prayer, Fr.Gregory gave an interesting and funny talk. He talked about the procreation, children is a gift from God. Without God, it is human reproduction rather than human procreation. To have a child, it must be allowed from God and only with God, it is truly a blessing. I am childless in my 2 years marriage, the inpatient of my wanting a child has given me a lot of stress, the tress from the family and friends. After the talked, I surrender everything to God and pray to God for the gift of child patiently. After the talk, we were divided into groups according to age group. We introduced ourselves and was asked what is our reason & be expectations in attending this seminar. To my surprise, all the group members are very open, they shared their personal matters.
The second day, Fr.Gregory continues the other topics, my parents enjoy his talk and preaching. I was so happy about that and thank God that we can attend the seminar together, that we do something in common in God's house and experience God. The second half day was continued by Bro Vincent. I have learned a very valuable lesson from his talk on the woman at the well in the bible. The woman who was a great sinner whom has five husbands met Jesus at the well and out to the town to tell the people that she saw Jesus. Her faith was so great that she can go to the town and tell everyone that Jesus knew that she has 5 husband and he is the true God. She didn't care about the how people viewed her, she rather spread the Gospel. I have a great sin that I never confess in the sacraments of penance. I thought I can confess it myself to Jesus and prayed that I never did it again but I failed. So I thought of the woman at the well, how shameful sin that she has committed, she has the courage to tell people and spread the Gospel. So what is it about my little sin? I felt that if I have faith, I should not shy confessing and go for confession. I was thinking that sacrament of penance is a healing and reconciliation and if I have faith I should trust in this beautiful and sacred sacrament. So after the end of teh second day, they have priest there for confession and I took the courage and prayed to God that I have a good confession and finally I went. I felt so great after the confession and truly feel that I am completely cleansed and like be baptized again.I felt the joy in my heart.
Before the confession session, they also have inner healing sessions. It was so beautiful. We prayed to God, the committee member will read out the inner healing by praying and we will meditate on the prayers that they saying. The prayers are basically, pray for forgiveness for family members, fiends and any other person that we could not forgive. They pray one by one for our own parents, siblings spouse, children and in-laws. This is really great healing. Even though, I have nobody that I need to forgive but I felt happy as I have already forgiven everyone long long time ago. I can see and hear that some people from who siting in front of me and behind me are crying.
The third day and also the last day. Brother Vincent continues some of the topics. Before the lunch, they have INFILLING sessions. At that time, I didnt know what it is all about. My heart started to pump very fast and it felt like something big is coming and something is going to happen.
Very ture, during this session, people rested in the spirit (fainted), some cried very loud, some dance and sing non-stop. Yes the Holy Spirit has filled them up. I was crying like a crying baby, I cant stand it much and all my sadness and fear has flow out through my tears and crying voice. Some has receive the gift of speaking in tongue. Amazing.
I definitely recommend everyone to attend the charismatic seminar.
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