He was an Egyptian hermit and the first Christian hermit. He was born around the year 233A.D and was orphaned at the age of 15 years. He fled to the Theban desert during the persecution of Christians by Emperors Decius and Valerianus around the year 250 A.D.
He lived only on the fruits of a palm tree for food and clothing woven form that palm tree and drinking water from a spring nearby. After about 21 years a bird (Raven) brought him half a loaf of bread daily for food. St.Anthony the Great has attested to the holiness of this saint. When St.Anthony the Great met once St.Paul in his cave, the usual raven bird that used to bring half a loaf of bread daily, brought a whole loaf of bread on that day, miraculously for use by both of the saints.
St.Paul the Hermit lived up to 122 years and died in that cave at about 345 A.D. Tradition says that St.Anthony the Great buried St.Paul the Hermit and two lions helped St.Anthony in digging the grave.
St. Paul the Hermit is generally portrayed with a palm tree and two lions.
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